the bio
you are reading the incomprehensible nonsense of a madman known only as neilymon, who originates from the confines of university high school in irvine, ca. he may claim to be 17 but anyone with the misfortune of associating with him knows that he much more closely resembles a seven-year-old. feel free to mouth off to him. or leave your mark.

message board (tagboard-driven)

url / e-mail addy

spiel (wanna smilie?)

the playlist
check out what's playing on the neilymon's winamp as of 06/18

bui jackson keita
cecilia james kim
connie jean kunal
dolli jenga leslie
feffi jenny maggie
fidelia jeri robbie
henry julia shiyue
irene kaidi yilin
jack kali young-wook

link VI
track 01 - the matrix track 02 - two towers track 03 - aura of light track 04 - dream girl


number of hits since 03/13/03:

miércoles, julio 23, 2003:

waterlili24: yea
waterlili24: HMPH
waterlili24: almost a MONTH
Neilymon: i'm REALLY sorry, cecilia!!
waterlili24: u SHOULD be

Neil Biswas dreams on at 12:09 a. m. // reveal yourself

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